
Alliance participated in the 2nd Upper Egypt Assisted Reproductive Conference 2017 in Cairo, Egypt

Alliance global participated in the The 2nd Upper Egypt Assisted Reproductive Conference 2017 in Cairo Egypt from the 22nd – 24th of Feb 2017. UEARS 2017 main theme was Translational Research in ART: Basic Science to Improve Clinical Practice. As the theme implies, it explored the reciprocation of ground breaking notions in the field of “Assisted Reproduction” with iconic mixture between International & Egyptian scholars.
The Conference featured leading state of The Art Lectures from KOL scientists, plenary lectures, interdisciplinary symposia, workshops, Hands-on, oral and poster sessions for all the participants to facilitate discussions on diagnosis; improve access and quality care; optimize the coordination of service providers; and foster high impact clinical research to expedite improved medical treatments. The conference mainly aimed at the education of the medical community and dissemination of reliable information to at-risk populations

The 2nd Upper Egypt Assisted Reproductive Conference 2017